The International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (ISPO) is a voluntary organization that promotes the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) campaign. It was founded by British businessman, John Bunzl, towards the end of 1998.
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The ISPO describes itself as "a growing association of citizens world-wide who aim to use their votes in a new, co-ordinated and effective way to drive all nations to co-operate in solving our planetary crisis". It believes that transnational citizen action is vital because "global markets and multinational corporations so comprehensively overpower individual nations that no politician dares make the first move to solve global problems for fear of competitive disadvantage".
ISPO aims to overcomes this paralysis by bringing all nations to adopt in principle - and then to simultaneously implement - the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol), a range of democratically formulated regulations to bring about economic justice, environmental security and peace around the world.
By adopting Simpol, ISPO's members pledge to vote in future elections for ANY political party or candidate - within reason - that also adopts Simpol. The ISPO argues that, as more and more citizens act in this way, politicians will adopt it too if they wish to remain in office, or else they risk losing their seats to other politicians who have adopted it. Its slogan is "Use Your Vote to Take Back the World! Adopt the Simultaneous Policy."
The Simpol campaign is so far operating in the following countries around the world:
Further, there exists a growing number of Simpol partner organisations that support the democratic aims and principles of the Simultaneous Policy. These include the Canadian Action Party and the Global Justice Movement.
The Australian Federal Election of October 2004 saw 59 candidates pledge their support for Simpol.
In the UK 200+ candidates for the elections of 2010 pledged to implement the simultaneous policy, of whom 24 were elected as MPs.